Friday, January 2, 2015

Let’s Make a Resolution Today - Arwa Habiba

Let’s Make a Resolution Today…..!!!
What do you need most??? 
A good education, a good job, career, money..?? 
Or something else instead….???

Every individual has set a goal that is important to him or her, some are shorter, others long... Yet none of these is as important as one blessing that you possess every moment – breathing. It takes only 39 seconds to breathe and if you are unable to breathe; you would have given up all you own to those who are able to breathe again…

Life is precious and limited. It is such a blessing of Allah Almighty which cannot be substituted by anything. Time is running fast, a few years ago you were planning to get your diploma or degree but now you have grown older.  Life would end one day and we will lost every chance to make our life better.
At the end of 2014, it’s a time of accountability for us either I have done such deeds that are presentable before God or not?? If I were dead this moment where would I be placed in? Heaven or hell?? Choice is yours..!!!

The most agonizing and heartrending spectacle is we start new years with celebrations in spite of making resolutions to change ourselves. Every nation have its own culture, belief system, rituals, festivals and traditions. As a Muslim; we have ours. Why are we trying to be like non-believers? We have our own identity which is superior than others… we are Muslims!!! 
Let’s make a new start…
Let’s make our nation strong.
Let’s stand unite to make Pakistan save and prosperous.
Let’s be kind, honest, just and true to ourselves...
Let’s stop and abolish every evil from our society.
Let’s join hands together and show our power to the world.  

Written by Arwa Habiba 

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