Sunday, March 4, 2018

Alone in desert

When I saw picture of Marwan - a Syrian 4 year old boy. I got anxious at once, how he could cross a desert on his own? Where was his family? If they were not alive, where were neighbors or relatives or acquaintances? ??? 

Or Allah has taken every living soul from him who could take care of him in this world.

I was so much worried, I got the feeling like he was my own brother alone and scared and I was far away from him. I wanted to be there in that desert for him. This is the feeling we get for other Muslims when we consider ourselves a part of Muslim Ummah world wide.

Then I researched about him and got to know that there was more to the news - he was separated from his family for a short while and was reunited with his family by UNHCR after crossing the border of Jordan. 

I took a deep breath and relaxed a bit 😊 May Allah never separate anyone from their family in any crisis.

We are praying day and night for our Syrian brothers and Sisters. May Allah save them from enemy's hands (Russia, Iran and Bashar-ul-Asad). May Allah unite all the Muslims against those who wish to end the Muslim race and taking part in massacre of Muslims specially children world wide.

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