Freedom is one of the most frequently used word around the world these days. But ironically I think no one in this world, not even a single person wants an absolute freedom. They just don't know it.
People can't be happy with "No Rules System" or absolute freedom.
If it could make people happy, no country would have made any rules and regulations, constitutions, bills, acts, ordinances, and the truth is that humans can't live without rules or we can say human can't live free because that's not there nature.
Allah has created them with the high values, and these high values demands rules and limits.
If people like an absolute freedom, why than people differentiate between right and wrong thing, good and bad things. Because these are rules which bound people in limits to allow somethings and to disallow somethings. If they think that they are bound and forcefully made to follow rules, then why they consider somethings wrong themselves even if they are allowed.
Like drinking (taking alcohol) is allowed in many countries of the world but still people think that its a bad habit, even drinkers consider it bad. Crossing signal while its red is considered wrong even by the violators. Adultery is considered wrong even after the permitted sex working in European countries.
So ... The fact is human can't live free or without any rule
And ... When they need rules, then why not the rules given by Allah
Only Allah's rules are acceptable and harmless for all the nations of this world, then why can't people stick to those rules. Why they make their own, Why Pakistan's constitution is not completely according to the Quran's rules. Why Islamic courts are separate even in an Islamic state.
Think ....
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