Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Alcohol ban bill rejected by Muslims

Read a news story today about rejection of Alcohol ban bill moved by a Christian MNA (with four other Non-Muslim MNAs + 12 Muslim MNAs) of Pakistan assembly, and more surprisingly rejected by Muslim MNAs.

Shock is really not a word to use in Pakistan now, because nothing bad from our rulers is shocking now, every time we feel that its worst of all they have ever done. They prove us wrong by bringing another worst in line. 

Anyway bill moved to ban alcohol for non-Muslims too in country moved in assembly and rejected by Muslims we sent in parliament as our representatives. They have given an excuse (they this is a good one), that this ban will earn bad name to the country.

And I was thinking ...

They (rulers, political parties, common people, terrorists, media) have already earned enough bad name to the country in regard of corruption, blame game, dishonesty, terrorism, treason. Is there really any bad name left to earn still, or Its just an excuse ....

I remembered Australia banning head scarf in their country and our rulers claiming, that's their internal legislation matter, and nobody can do anything about this. Because France was not an Islamic state so they can make laws whatever they think is right for the nation. Was that really an internal matter and nobody could have done anything about this or Its just an excuse ....

If its accepted that legislation is totally internal matter, than nobody around the world can object on the laws made for the betterment of Pakistan by its own parliament, will it bring bad name or Its just an excuse ....

Doctor's around the world are scientifically proving alcohol injurious to health, and advising people (Non-Muslims) to avoid drinking as it can bring great health sufferings in their lives, and most of the time these doctors are also non-Muslims themselves. As a ruler of the state if you are conscious about health of your people and any polio campaign doesn't earn a bad name for country how can alcohol consumption prevention earn that, or its just an excuse ....

Alcohol ban Bill copy

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